Tiger Shark Tooth

$7.00 - $16.00

SKU: AP-SL0141

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Tiger Shark Tooth – Galeocerdo cuvier

The Science

The Tiger Shark is found in many tropical and temperate waters worldwide. The tiger shark is a solitary, mostly nocturnal hunter. Its name derives from the dark stripes down its body, which resemble a tiger's pattern, but fade as the shark matures.

It is notable for having the widest food spectrum of all sharks, with a range of prey that includes crustaceans, fish, seals, birds, squid, turtles, sea snakes, dolphins, and even other smaller sharks. It also has a reputation as a "garbage eater",consuming a variety of inedible, man-made objects that linger in its stomach. Though apex predators, tiger sharks are sometimes taken by groups of killer whales. 

The Story

Sold singly, these glossy white teeth are typical for a Tiger Shark - triangular and blade-like with a wide root and tiny serrations. They are quite sharp and will cut paper!


SKU: AP-SL0141
Dimensions: Small: ~ 0.875"L
Large: ~ 1.25"L
Scientific Name: Galeocerdo cuvier
Origin: Tropical & Temperate Waters
Shipping Restrictions: International wildlife export fees apply
Customers with shipping addresses outside of the US will be charged an additional $168.00 for US Fish & Wildlife Services processing fees. Please allow up to 60 days for your order to be processed. Read our full international wildlife shipping policy here.
Made/Assembled in USA
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  • 5
    Great item

    Posted by Unknown on Sep 4th 2020

    These shark teeth are great teaching tools. Let’s kids see the different teeth